- $99.00 - Gift allowance (Not subject to duties or taxes)
- - Angola Customs opens all packages to verify everything is listed on shipping documents. Be sure to LIST EVERYTHING
- - List all items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef Jerky and cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Books - Max quantity of 5 per shipment
- Chemicals (non-hazardous) - oils, waxes
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment
- Cosmetics
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription, pre-inspection required
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry
- Nail Polish
- Oil Products
- Perishables
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $100 gift allowance (not subject to duties and taxes
- - All shipments require DHL to clear Armenia Customs (Formal Clearance) for an additional charge.
- - Angola Customs opens all packages to verify everything is listed on shipping documents. Be sure to LIST EVERYTHING
- - List all indiviual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - Must include recipient's passport number on all document copies to qualify for gift allowance. (Hand-write it in).
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- -Duties and taxes equal approximately 30% of stated value
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- All packages will be opened and physically checked by custom's inspector, correct description and actual value is a must.
- Artwork
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - A certificate of Origin is required. Ask us to send you the form to fill out and send with shipping documents.
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $500 gift allowance (not subject to duties and taxes)
- - Australian Customs opens all packages to verify everything is listed on shipping documents. Be sure to LIST EVERYTHING
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- -Some areas of Australia incur a $30 remote area surcharge. These fees usually occur when sending packages directly to your missionary
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Cosmetics - Lead content must be stated.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - Pharma is subject to import approval from Dept. of Health
- Food - Home- made goodies prohibited.
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Home made treats, candy, etc. Commercially bought food with labels are okay.
- Leather goods - all types
- Nail Polish
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy guns - all types prohibited
- Wood Products
- Aerosol cans
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Purfume/Cologne
- $0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- - Freeport Bahamas is duty and tax free
- - P.O. Box addresses must have a phone number and contact person
- - We recommend sending this DDP (delivery duty paid) ask us how
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- -Duties and taxes equal approximately 40-45% of stated value
- Aerosol cans
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Cosmetics - each must be sent individually
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Food items - each must be sent individually
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Liquids - each must be sent individually
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission) - each must be sent individually
- Prescription drugs - Each different type must be sent under a separate shipment
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $100 duty free, $0 tax free (All shipments are taxable)
- - A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- - contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- Aerosol cans
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Dairy & Meat products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Non prescription drugs and vitamins - must state - Gift, for private use only
- Prescription Drugs - must have doctors original prescription accompany package documents
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $50 gift allowance (not subject to duties and taxes)
- - Duties and Taxes equal approximately 32 percent of stated value
- - List each individual item as a gift. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - We recommend sending all packages duty delivery paid - contact us for more details
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Books and magazines - max qty of 5 pieces
- Cosmetics - all types
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Liquids - including non-hazardous
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- - Between 12/15 - 1/15 of each year, customs may reduce duties for gift shipments
- - Duties and Taxes equal approximately 38 percent of stated value
- - List each individual item as a gift. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - We recommend sending this DDP (delivery duty paid) ask us how.
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Jewelry - all types
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- $100 gift allowance (not subject to duties or taxes)
- - Duties and Taxes equal approximately 35 percent of stated value
- - List each individual item as a gift. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - Package recipient must register with Bolivian Customs before arrival of package or within 48 hour of arrival
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Cosmetics - all types
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - Pharma must have Dr. prescription included.
- Food - all types including candy. This will get stuck in Customs
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Magazines - Max of 1 and must state as gift
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Technical items - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- - Duties and taxes could equal 60 percent of the value shipped. Use low values on items
- - List each individual item as a gift. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - We recommend sending this DDP (delivery duty paid) ask us how.
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - all types
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $100 duty free, $0 tax free (All shipments are taxable)
- - contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt gift, not for resale
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Clothing - all types
- Computer Software - all types
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Shoes - all types
- Sports Equipment
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $50 gift allowance (not subject to duties or taxes)
- - Include a statement that recipient is a temporary resident on a church mission. (hand-write on commercial invoice)
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt gift, not for resale
- - Maximum of 2 pound packages to be sent as gifts
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- All shipping documents sent must include recipient's passport number - (hand-write it in)
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - all cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - Prescription and non-prescription ok but packing slip must be submitted with shipping documents.
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Jewelry
- Liquids
- Nail Polish
- Perishables
- Playing cards
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- Watches and clocks
- $50 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt gift, not for resale
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewellery
- Nail Polish
- Packages containing food and or lotions will incur a duty of 76.5% of the CIF (value of item plus cost of freight and insurance) value
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $15 Gift allowance
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs and medication - Prescription
- Essential oils
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Meat/Animal Products
- Nail Polish
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
Canary Islands
- $100 duty free, $0 tax free (All shipments are taxable)
- - contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Food - (Candy and treats are accepted up to 10 lbs. though)
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewellery
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Prescription Drugs - compostion, and Dr. Prescription in Spanish is required. Delays probable
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
Cape Verde
- $50 gift allowance (not subject to duties or taxes
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- -Shipments over the $50 total contents value will require work from recipient to clear customs
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Computer parts
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewellery
- Liquids
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $8 gift allowance (not subject to duties or taxes)
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $20 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- CDs and drives - Must state - CD - gift, for personal use only.
- Computer Parts
- Cosmetics - all types
- Costume Jewelry - CTR rings, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Electronic Equipment - MP3 player, tablet, Kindle, iPad, camera, laptop, mobile phone, etc.
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- - $45 remote area fee added to the Bogota mission
- - Duties and Taxes equal approximately 50 percent of stated value
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt gift, not for resale
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -$0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- All shipments will incur 10% duty rate and 16% tax
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- Used Clothing - all types
Cook Islands
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
Czech Republic
- contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- $100 duty free, $0 tax free (All shipments are taxable)
- - Commercial Invoice must state the following: Values FOC (free of charge) with "no commercial value, value for customs purpose only"
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Oil Products
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Purfume/Cologne
- Shoes - Must describe type and content (material, dimensions and weight in metric, number of pieces or pair).
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- $100 duty free, $0 tax free (All shipments are taxable)
- -Personal Effects (used items owned by recipient prior to mission) - must state 'personal effects', cannot be sent as 'gift', will incur duties and taxes, and may cause 2 -3 day delay
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
Dominican Republic
- *We recommend never sending package valued over $175. Their duties and taxes are astronomical.
- - $175 gift allowance - not subject to duties and taxes
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt gift, not for resale
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Communications Equipment - Cell phones
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Hazardous chemicals
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Powerbank chargers
- Purfume/Cologne
- Some Acne medications
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- $42 flat import tax on all shipments regardless of value
- -$0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- -Recipients passport number is required for customs clearance
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Cosmetics - including deodorant, shampoo, make-up, foot powder, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - Recipient may be required to obtain sanitary certificate from the government
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- Used clothing is prohibited
El Salvador
- $0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- - Duties and Taxes equal approximately 28 percent of stated value
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt gift, not for resale
- - We recommend sending this DDP (delivery duty paid) ask us how
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs (prescription and non-prescription) will incur a $25 fee from the Ministry of Health that recipient must pay
- Food items will incur a $25 fee from the Ministry of Health that recipient must pay
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
Fiji Islands
- $50 Gift allowance
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt gift, not for resale
- - We recommend sending shipments DDP which means the duties and taxes are invoiced to you after delivery, ask us for more information
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Jewelry - all types
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $100 duty free, $0 tax free (All shipments are taxable)
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- - Passport number of missionary required for customs clearance
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $100 duty free, $0 tax free (All shipments are taxable)
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- A list of the items below are banned or restricted - You MUST call or email our office in order to ship
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $100 duty free, $0 tax free (All shipments are taxable)
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- A list of the items below are banned or restricted - ** DO NOT ship these unless you call or email our office first
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (Including Non-Hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Computer Software - All types
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - Prescriptions and Non-Prescriptions (Vitamins)
- Food - small quantities allowed, no animal products (beef jerky) or dairy products
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects - used items owned by recipient prior to mission
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- - Duties and Taxes equal about 35 percent of stated value.
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those.
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Nail Polish
- Perishables - including home baked goods. Send store bought and packaged goods only.
- Powerbank chargers
- Purfume/Cologne
- Some Acne Medications
- Toys - all types
- $100 duty free, $0 tax free (All shipments are taxable)
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- Animal products - beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Cosmetics - all types
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - low value items ok, but may cause a delay
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- - Duties and Taxes equal approximately 27 percent of stated value
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt gift, not for resale
- - We recommend sending this DDP (delivery duty paid) ask us how.
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Cologne & Perfume - all types
- Cosmetics - all types
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Mobile phones - including parts and accessories
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- - Duties and Taxes equal approximately 37 percent of stated value
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt gift, not for resale
- - We recommend sending this DDP (delivery duty paid) ask us how.
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- - All shipping documents must have the recipients Passport number on all documents (hand-write it in).
- -$0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- -If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- 80 - 100% duties and taxes assessed on value of shipment
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
Hong Kong
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- -$0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Computers - including parts and software
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Leather goods - all types
- Nail Polish
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- Unlimited Gift allowance (Not subject to duties or taxes)
- $100 duty free, $0 tax free (All shipments are taxable)
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - Canned and processed foods only
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - No two like pieces of content can be sent in order to qualify as a gift
- -$0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Computer Software
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- DVDs
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - only costume jewelry allowed
- Leather - all types
- Liquids
- Music - printed or manuscript form
- Oil Products
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Shoes - all types
- Sports Equipment
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- - All shipping documents sent must include recipient's passport number - (hand-write it in).
- - Include a statement that recipient is a temporary resident on a church mission. (hand-write on commercial invoice)
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -$0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - all types
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $100 duty free, $0 tax free (All shipments are taxable)
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $100 duty free, $0 tax free (All shipments are taxable)
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Cologne and Perfume
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Cosmetics - all types
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Electronic Equipment - MP3 player, tablet, Kindle, iPad, camera, laptop, mobile phone, etc.
- Food - All kinds including candy, gum and mints
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $20 Gift allowance (Not subject to duties or taxes)
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $20 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- DVDs - Must state length, width, duration, description, and reason for importation.
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $70 Gift allowance - not subject to duties and taxes
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - Missions in remote areas (Fukuoka, Sendai)
- - Remote area locations will be charged an additional $28 remote area surcharge after delivery.
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Cologne and Perfume
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- DVDs - Must declare what it is, length and reason for export
- Eye glasses only 1 pair allowable and contacts (2 months supply max)
- Food - Non perishables only, max wt of 22 lbs.
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Leather goods - all types
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Private shipments to Japan will require Customs inspection before being able to be delivered to the receiver. This may cause a delay of approx 24 hours or more
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $0 Gift allowance - not subject to duties and taxes (all shipments subject to duties and taxes) * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- - We recommend sending this DDP (delivery duty paid) ask us how.
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Powerbank chargers
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $0 Gift allowance - not subject to duties and taxes (all shipments subject to duties and taxes)
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Toy guns
Korea, South
- $100 Gift allowance (Not subject to duties or taxes)
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products- Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Electronic Equipment - MP3 player, tablet, Kindle, iPad, camera, laptop, mobile phone, etc.
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Liquids
- Nail Polish
- Oil Products
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- $0 Gift allowance - not subject to duties and taxes (all shipments subject to duties and taxes
- - Some destinations in Liberia have remote area charges of approximately $30
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Electronic Equipment - MP3 player, tablet, Kindle, iPad, camera, laptop, mobile phone, etc.
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Jewelry - all types
- Nail Polish
- Powerbank chargers
- Purfume/Cologne
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $0 Gift Allowance (all shipments subject to duties and taxes)
- - Duties and taxes equal approximately 40% of stated value
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - all types
- Liquids - all types
- Nail Polish
- Powerbank chargers
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $110 Gift allowance
- - List each individual item as a gift. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- CDs - charged an additional 10% tax at delivery
- Chemicals
- Cologne and Perfume
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs (prescription and non prescription) including vitamins
- Electronic games and equipment - charged an additional 10% tax at delivery
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Jewelry - 10% sales tax on delivery
- Nail Polish
- Purfume/Cologne
- Shoes - charged an additional 30% tax at delivery
- Sports Equipment - Import and tax due upon delivery
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- Toys - 15-20% import tax plus 10% sales tax due upon delivery
- $50 Gift allowance (Not subject to duties or taxes)
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $50 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - Queretaro Mission deliveries please contact our office before shipping
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Cosmetics - all types
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Jewelry - must be less than 20 items (for example you can send up to 19 CTR rings)
- Leather goods - all types
- Liquids - including non-hazardous
- Nail Polish
- Oil products
- Shoes - all types
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- Used Clothing - all types
- Wood Pencils - do not send!!
- $275 Gift allowance (Not subject to duties or taxes)
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelery - all types
- Plant Products
- Seed - including sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $50 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy (canned and dried food exemption) but will incur inspection delays
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - all types
- Leather goods - all types
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $30 Gift Allowance (not subject to duties and taxes)
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $30 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - all types
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $35 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $35 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) oils, waxes, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - Samples only, Max weight is 11 lbs. Max value is 20 dollars
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - all types
- Liquids
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
Netherlands, The
- $27 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $24 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - Must get clearance for food items before being sent, please contact our office with a list of the intended food items being sent
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Jewelry - all types
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
New Zealand
- $200 gift allowance (not subject to duties or taxes)
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- -List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Ceramics - all types
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - Subject to inspection by ministry of food and drug. Expect a delay of 1 to 2 days, possible $45 inspection fee
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Jewelry
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $27 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- $30 remote area surcharge for some areas other than the mission office, contact us for details
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $20 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - Some items are allowed, we must contact DHL Norway to ensure the items are permitted. Please contact our office with your intended food items
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- - Duties and Taxes equal approximately 30 percent of stated value
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - We recommend sending this DDP (delivery duty paid) ask us how.
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Cologne and perfume
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Cosmetics - all types
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Nail Polish
- Shoes - Re-evaluation at Panama Customs will be done regardless of stated value. Expect 3 - 4 extra days clearance
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
Papua New Guinea
- $85 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - all types
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- - Best to send all packages Duty Delivery Paid, contact us to help with this
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - Value Added Tax on all shipments, Shipments under $100 value are duty free but will still incur Value Added Tax
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Costume Jewelry (CTR rings) - each must be sent individually
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- DVDs and Commercial CDs
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- - contact for assistance
- $150 - Gift Allowance (not subject to duties or taxes)
- - Maximum of 3 shipments per year to an individual in Peru
- - US Passport number required to clear customs
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Complete description for each item including brand name, unit value specifying the quantity, the unit of measurement required
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Electronics with telecommunication signal (Wi-Fi)
- Food - Cookies, Candy & Chocolate ok, but only up to 1 pound total for all food items together
- Nail Polish
- Shoes - possible to ship but require the following - Detailed description including: brand name, composition, manufacture country, category required on the commercial invoice. Shoes require special label that cannot be removed or indelible, this label mus
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $20 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- - Following Missions are in remote areas (Cauayan, Cebu East, San Pablo)
- - For remote areas above, a $28 remote area fee will be charged after delivery.
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $20 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - The following are subject to duties and taxes: Books, diaries, journals, magazines
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- CDs and DVDs - Must state content on it. Example: CD - Gift, pictures and data, not for resale
- Chemicals
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Electronic Equipment
- Food - If in small quantity. Describe each item then - personal consumption only. Example: Candy Bar - For personal consumption only.
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Liquids
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $27 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $24 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - unsolicited gift not for resale, value is for customs purpose only
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $27 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $24 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Clothing
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $27 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- --If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- -List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - unsolicited gift not for resale, value is for customs purposes only
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Cologne and Perfume
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Cosmetics - all types
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - Prescription: Attach a Dr. Prescription and reason for import. State the Consignee is a temporary resident of Romania and is a missionary for the LDS Church. Not for resale. (Hand write on Commercial Invoice)
- Electronic Equipment - MP3 player, tablet, Kindle, iPad, camera, laptop, mobile phone, etc.
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Oil products
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $0 Gift allowance - all shipments are dutiable
- - Duties and taxes equal approximately 23% of stated value
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - To send the shipment DDP (so the duties and taxes are invoiced to you after delivery) contact our office
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - Prescription: recommend sending Dr. Prescription and reason. State the Consignee is a temporary resident of Samoa and is a missionary for the LDS Church.
- DVDs - Subject to censorship or screening
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Jewelry - all types
- Perishables - all types
- Seeds - Sunflower, etc.
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
Sierra Leone
- - List each item as a gift. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Cosmetics
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Electronic Equipment - MP3 player, tablet, Kindle, iPad, camera, laptop, mobile phone, etc.
- Food - List as samples only, not for resale. Max weight is 20 lbs.
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - all types
- Liquids
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $300 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Cologne & perfume - all types
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Oil Products
- Prescription Drugs - Must have a Dr. Prescription and hand write statement on Commercial Invoice: Name of medicine, name brand, reason for import, product composition, qty per bottle, and wt of each capsule, product composition and its a finished product.
- Toy Guns
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $24 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $24 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - Acceptable in small quantities only.
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - must include net weight
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Shoes - all types
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
South Africa
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $35 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, unsolicited with no commercial value, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Computer Software - max is 6 CDs (does not include music CDs)
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Seeds - sunflower, pumpkin, etc
- Shoes - all types
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $27 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $24 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef Jerky, Leather, etc..
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Cosmetics - Soap, Shampoo, Cologne, Perfume, Make-up, Etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - Prescription, non prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $27 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $24 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- CDs - no music or computer CDs can be sent, text CDs only
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $24 Gift allowance - not subject to duties or taxes
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $24 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Cologne and perfumes - all types
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Jewelry - all types
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - We recommend sending this DDP (delivery duty paid) ask us how.
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Jewelry - all types
- Nail Polish
- Sports equipment - all types
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- CDs - all audio/visual media are subject to Taiwan governmental inspeciton and censorship
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - Above 12 lbs. major customs delays forms and inspections required
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - all types
- Nail Polish
- Oil Products
- Toy guns - all types
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $28 gift allowance (not subject to duties or taxes)
- - If the total value of the package you are sending is over $29 please call us to have the duties and taxes paid on your account
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Cosmetics - all types
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Electronic Equipment - MP3 player, tablet, Kindle, iPad, camera, laptop, mobile phone, etc.
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Liquids
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Playing Cards
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- Toys - all types
- $0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - We recommend sending this DDP (delivery duty paid) ask us how.
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- DVDs and CDs - Recorded, max value no more than $45 otherwise import duty of 15 - 20% of shipment value due at delivery
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - all types
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
Trinidad & Tobago
- $0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - We recommend sending this DDP (delivery duty paid) ask us how.
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Electronic Equipment - MP3 player, tablet, Kindle, iPad, camera, laptop, mobile phone, etc.
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $10 gift allowance (not subject to duties or taxes)
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Nail Polish
- Prescription Drugs - Small quantities acceptable for life savings situations.Must include a doctors prescription and note explaining why needed. Be sure to notate - For Personal use only, life saving situation.
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $100 gift allowance (not subject to duties or taxes)
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- CDs - must state 'CD is not for sale, duplication, further distribution and has no commercial value'
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Cosmetics and hygiene items
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Electronic Equipment - MP3 player, tablet, Kindle, iPad, camera, laptop, mobile phone, etc.
- Food - all types, including candy
- Glasses or Contacts
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Plastic made products
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
United Kingdom
- $100 duty free, $0 tax free (All shipments are taxable)
- * contact Jill at to prepare your documents as duty delivery paid
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese, milk, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Food - All types - Must have prior written consent from DHL to send or it will be sent back. Email us and we can ask.
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Headphones in charging cases (airpods, etc.)
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Prescription Drugs - Ok to ship but you have to include a doctors prescription and note explaining why needed. Be sure to notate - For Personal Use only
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $0 Gift allowance (All shipments are dutiable)
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - We recommend sending this DDP (delivery duty paid) ask us how.
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Books - all types
- CDs - only 3 allowed per shipment
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Communications equipment - mobile phones, laptops, electronic equipment, etc.
- Cosmetics and person hygiene items
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - prescription & non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Electronic Equipment - MP3 player, tablet, Kindle, iPad, camera, laptop, mobile phone, etc.
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Shoes - All types
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - P.O. Boxes are acceptable to ship to
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - all types
- Nail Polish
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- $100 Gift allowance (Not subject to duties or taxes)
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Cosmetics and personal hygiene products
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Prescription Drugs - Max Qty (8) and only acceptable if accompanied with prescription. Must state that the Rx is for a temporary resident serving a mission.
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- Toys - all types
- Watches - Only under USD $100.00 allowed.
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- - With sending DDP, GMS will manually produce shipping documents, have duties and taxes put on our acct. and invoice you for those
- -$50 gift allowance - we will need to send shipments duty delivery paid so that duties and taxes are invoiced back to you instead of your missionary
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Deodorant, Cheez Whiz, Etc.
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Cosmetics and personal hygiene items
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - all types
- Powerbank chargers
- Prescription Drugs - Only acceptable if accompanied with prescription. Must state that the Rx is for a temporary resident serving a mission.
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited
- - List all individual items as gifts. Example: Shirt - gift, not for resale
- -- If in question please contact our office or DHL directly at 800-225-5345
- -There is a $30 Export Shipping Duty charge added to all packages going to Zimbabwe
- A list of the items below are restricted or banned. DO NOT SHIP THESE****
- Aerosol cans - Silly string, Cheez Whiz, Deodorant, Bug spray
- Animal Products - Beef jerky, cheese products, etc.
- Batteries - Alkaline permitted, but must obtain clearance code, please call us for more information
- Chemicals (including non-hazardous) - oils, waxes, etc.
- Currency - Cash of any kind is prohibited
- Drugs - non-prescription (Vitamins)
- Food - all types, including candy (chocolate is acceptable)
- Hand Sanitizer - gel or liquid (wipes ok)
- Jewelry - all types
- Leather goods - all types
- Nail Polish
- Personal Effects (Used items owned by recipient prior to their mission)
- Playing Cards
- Prescription Drugs - Only acceptable if accompanied with prescription. Must state that the Rx is for a temporary resident serving a mission.
- Sports Equipment
- Toy Guns - all types prohibited